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Introduction to the Lake Erie Lowlands Eco-region

This page is divided into paragraphs, and has links to websites that may be used to find pictures or information that may also be used.

Landforms and geology
The landforms in the Lake Erie low lands vary quite a lot. This includes large bodies of water (the great lakes), flat vegetation areas (such as crops), forests and hills. Scientists have done experiments and proved this to be true. They believe the most severe weather conditions included the last ice age and huge floodings. This is actually why this eco region is called the Lake Erie - Scientists believe that there were very low lands that were flooded by water. They also have tests proven for this theory.

Weather and Climate
Weather is exceptionally good, but varies a lot over the months and years. This eco region surprisingly meets the warmest winters and hottest summers of all of Canada in the yearly cycle. This is because of its distance to the equator compared to all the other regions. There is a variety of different weathers that can occur. Regular weather is sunny, rainy (common thunder and lightning) and snowy days. Extreme weather can also occur but only once in a blue moon. This includes flooding, hurricanes, tsunamis and earth quakes. Most regions across Canada have the same intervals of weather, but vary in the temperature degree. So for the Lake Erie lowlands, it is only normal for it to have this kind of weather.

In the Lake Erie low lands, there are three kinds of soil. These soils include brunisolic, gleysoilic and luvisolic. Brunisolic soils are also found in regions where the under layer contains sedimentary rock and is found in other various regions. Brunisolic soil ranges in the brown colour and is low in nutrients. Gleysolic soil is also in the brown range but contains more nutrients than brunsolic, and luvisolic has the weakest physical properties ranging in also the same colour. With in all of these soils, worms can be found through searching. These worms only come out during rainfalls
 Brunisolic soil                             

Ecology...Vegetation and Wild Life
There is a lot of vegetation in this eco region. This includes maple, spruce, tobacco and hemlock plants. They are relatively healthy plants due to the weather they receive including rain and sunlight. It’s all natural care they only need to survive. Animals also vary through out the region. These animals include Canadian geese, whitetail deer’s, fox, black bears, chipmunks, raccoons, squirrels and skunks. Most of these animals eat the vegetation and live around the national parks, camping sites and forests they find suitable through out the eco region.

Human Activity
There is lots of human activity in the Lake Erie lowlands eco region. This includes residential and commercial building, shipping, farming, transportation and power generation facilities. One of the biggest hydro-electric stations in the world is the Niagara Falls Plant, located in this eco region. People in this eco region can easily find and apply for jobs, since expansion is very fast. Big companies like Bell, Rogers and Tim Horton’s are always hiring for different levels in their occupational fields. People are also active during the summer with sporting activities including hiking, swimming, fishing, soccer and basketball. Others go to the national parks as a vacational tour with in their region, including cruises all the way to Niagara Falls. The Lake Erie  lowlands are very active, just like any other large populated community. This is what makes the human activity large.