Potential Threats to this Eco Region

There are many different kinds of fish in the Lake Erie lowlands. These fish are endangered in several ways. To keep this eco region safe from extinction of fish, everybody must pitch in the way they can. In the following plot, I will demonstrate the explanation of what is happening and how it can be solved.

Commercial fishing and Habitat Destruction
Commercial fishing is a big problem in the great lakes. Large companies that sell tuna and fish attack the water of the Lake Erie lowlands and take many kinds of rare species of fish that are already endangered. This destroys not only their nature, but also destroys family fishery. It’s ok to have families fish because they do it in small amounts. Companies do it in much larger amounts of 1000's. This destroys the general habitat and the food chains in this eco region.

The Sea lamprey and the Zebra Mussel
The sea lamprey is a huge problem in the Lake Erie lowlands. These species spread very fast, and can affect all species of freshwater fish. It uses the suction method to kill its prey. The sea lamprey has a suction mouth, which connects to other fish bodies, taking out all their nutrients needed in order to survive. This includes the blood stored inside a typical fish. The zebra mussel has a different way of affecting this under water eco region. It hooks up to almost any thing (including clams, which may cause a clam to not be able to open its shell to eat), and eats the course diet of other clams and also the native mussel. Zebra mussels populate so fast, and filter water even faster. This is a huge problem for other marine animals that filter water. 

Is there a Solution?

One solution would be to limit the amount of fish a company may take from a month. This would cause much larger amounts of fish to be available to the aquatic life and to family fishery in the Lake Erie community.

For the sea lamprey and zebra mussel, people must start fishing them out. This sounds impossible, but with the help with everybody in communities, it can be done. The sea lamprey population has been controlled by the fishery commission, but the devices that we have today are still not enough to control this specie. If people do not have the time to do this, this is understandable. People in this community have a second option. If they do not have time to fish out these species, they may simply donate in decent amounts to the fishery commission. This won't only save the species out their in their habitat, it will also save their eco region, which is the Lake Erie Lowlands.